$ lpinfo -make-and-model ' make_and_model_names' -m | grep -i printer_series A quick solution is to use the -make-and-model flag and grep to filter the results by plugging in your printer's make, model and series in this fashion:
Otherwise, you could list all the drivers available by running lpinfo -m and then searching through the results to find a. These are important for us to distinguish our printer.
As cupsd would try to open a libusb-based printer as lp user, it won't have permission to use the device in /dev/bus/usb.įirst let's get some info about our USB printer.ģ-2 04b8:0007 00 1IF (EPSON USB2.0 Printer (Hi-speed) 55PKAZZ15776790829) to address container user-case scenarios, etc.īy default USB printer with mdev would have ownership root:root and permission 0660.